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We are the brand for pioneering, modular HVAC systems.
With the modular systems, all HVAC experts can work easily and flexibly – due to the possibility of adapting the pioneering solutions to their requirements. Our close cooperation with craftsmen and our extensive experience make us the competent leader in hydronic systems.
As a family business from the Sauerland region, we accompany all our partners over years - reliably and personally – from planning to installation, over commissioning to maintenance. With our digital services we create an added value throughout the entire process.
Our employees produce long-lasting, high quality products which can be globally connected to flexible systems – easy to install, energy-efficient and always reliable.
Wir regeln das. Seit 1851.
• The largest modular combinable product portfolio on the market: With diverse product components in the areas of indoor climate, hydraulics, potable water, stations and smart home, we always find a suitable connection. • Industry best in design: No other company in the heating fittings industry has received more awards than we have. • Made in Germany: We manufacture the raw parts in our own press shop and our own foundry. After further processing of the individual parts on numerically controlled automatic lathes, automatic assembly machines join them together to form the final product - all at our locations in Olsberg and Brilon.• Pioneer: In the 1960s, our oil filters were instrumental in paving the way for oil heating. Today, our efficient dwelling stations are perfectly matched to regenerative energies.• Certified quality: Oventrop was one of the first companies to be certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001, which defines the requirements for effective quality management in a company.
Working at Oventrop: Click here to find our job offers and apprenticeship opportunities.
We distribute our modular solutions worldwide.
Arnold Oventrop (1820-1871) founds the Arnold Oventrop & Co. Messing- und Broncewarenfabrik in Altena. Materials containing copper are the common denominator for the manufacturing programme - the factory produces brassware, such as fittings for furniture, doors and windows.
A new generation: The sons Friedrich Wilhelm (1847-1935) and Adolf Oventrop (1851-1912) take over the company.
The town of Altena is now highly industrialised. Labour becomes scarce and Oventrop relocates production to various locations in the Sauerland - amongst others to Iserlohn and Bigge.
Grüne (Iserlohn)
Knickhütte in Bigge (Olsberg)
The son of Friedrich Wilhelm Oventrop, Paul Oventrop (1886-1974), takes over the factory in Bigge. The other factories are closed down in the course of time.
Oventrop at the Bigge site, 1925
The Fähnrich and Rump families become shareholders in the company.
Werner Fähnrich (1909-1993) becomes Managing Partner.
The first oil crisis means a deep cut after the so-called "economic miracle" years.
As part of the municipal restructuring, Bigge becomes a district of the town of Olsberg. The company headquarters thus become Olsberg.
A production plant is opened in Brilon. Thermostatic valves and other heating fittings increasingly determine the product range.
Oventrop Werk Brilon, 1981
Georg Rump (1946-2021) becomes Managing Partner.
The reunification of Germany and the opening of the borders in the East enable the company to grow strongly.
Jochen Fähnrich (born 1952) becomes Managing Partner.
Oventrop opens its largest factory building to date, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, on the factory premises in Brilon: components from the upstream production stages are finally assembled here on a floor space of more than 12,000 m².
Oventrop factory Brilon, 2016
Georg Rump is no longer Managing Director. Johannes Rump (born 1982) becomes Managing Partner.
As a family business with a history of over 170 years, we are rooted in the Sauerland region, but also have a strong international presence. We employ around 1,000 people at our headquarters in Olsberg and in neighbouring Brilon. In addition, there are production facilities in Poland and China. With eight subsidiaries and numerous agencies, we are present in over 80 countries worldwide.
Oventrop factory Olsberg, 2021