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G ¾ union nut x G ¾ ET

The Bypass Combi Uno system is used in one pipe central heating systems with forced circulation, with ring circuits up to 8000 watts, regardless of the type of heating. 

The one pipe valves and connection pieces allow for an efficient, cost-saving installation and easy dimensioning of one pipe heating systems. The infinitely presettable bypass allows for an optimal economical design of the entire heating system. The radiator fitting of the one pipe connection piece can be either a brass fitting or an insulating fitting. The insulating fitting largely prevents even small radiators from heating up due to the heat flow through the radiator fitting when the thermostatic valve is closed. The possibility of shutting off the supply and return to the radiator means that it can also be removed while the heating system is running.

A one pipe connection piece, a connecting pipe and a reversed angle valve, a double angle valve or a straight valve with elbow, as well as a compression fitting set are required for the implementation. If the thermostat is to face forward, the double angle valve or the straight valve with elbow must be selected instead of the reversed angle valve. The thermostat must be ordered separately.
Art.No.: 1189361
EAN: 4026755231625
Manufacturer: Oventrop GmbH & Co. KG
Subject to technical changes.


Dimensions of article

Length Width Height Weight
53 mm 39 mm 33 mm 0,13 kg

Packing units

Type Qty. Length Width Height Weight
Bag 1 53 mm 39 mm 33 mm 0,13 kg
Carton 10 125 mm 140 mm 96 mm 1,41 kg
Unknown 3840 1200 mm 800 mm 950 mm 131,46 kg


Product images

  File size
291,5 KB
1932 px x 1764 px
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  File size
3,22 KB
174 px x 125 px
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  •  Cutout


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