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Av 9 Thermostatic valve, reversed angle
DN 10, Rp ⅜ x R ⅜, PN 10

AV 9 thermostatic valve
for manual hydronic balancing

For use in two pipe central heating systems with forced circulation.

With externally readable infinitely adjustable presetting.

Presetting can be changed under system pressure by means of operating tool or 13 mm open-end spanner. Valve insert can be replaced without draining the system.

Body made of nickel plated brass, spindle made of stainless steel. Connection for threaded or compression connection. Tested and approved according to EN 215.

All AV 9 thermostatic valves have a white protection cap with 3 frontal lugs.

Thermostat connection thread: M 30 x 1.5
Art.No.: 1183903
EAN: 4026755407358
Manufacturer: Oventrop GmbH & Co. KG
Subject to technical changes.


Aktor T 2P Thermal actuator, on/off control 230 V AC, normally closed, connection thread M 30 x 1.5
Item no. 1012415
Aktor T 2P Thermal actuator, on/off control 24 V AC / DC, normally closed, connection thread M 30 x 1.5
Item no. 1012416
Aktor T 2P Thermal actuator, on/off control 230 V AC, normally open, connection thread M 30 x 1.5
Item no. 1012425
Aktor T 2P Thermal actuator, on/off control 24 V AC / DC, normally open, connection thread M 30 x 1.5
Item no. 1012426
Aktor T 2P Thermal actuator, on/off control 230 V AC, normally closed with integrated auxiliary switch, connection thread M 30 x 1.5
Item no. 1012435
Aktor T 2P Thermal actuator, on/off control 24 V AC / DC, normally closed, M 30 x 1.5, cable length 2 m
Item no. 1012442
Aktor T 2P Thermal actuator, on/off control 230 V AC, normally closed, connection thread M 30 x 1.5, cable length 2 m
Item no. 1012452
Aktor T 2P Thermal actuator, on/off control 230 V AC, normally closed, connection thread M 30 x 1.5, cable length 5 m
Item no. 1012455
Aktor T 2P Thermal actuator, on/off control 230 V AC, normally closed, connection threadM 30 x 1.5, cable length 10 m
Item no. 1012459
Aktor M Motorized actuator, on/off control, with short running time (3 s) 230 V AC, connection thread M 30 x 1.5
Item no. 1012710
Aktor M Motorized actuator, on/off control, with short running time (3 s) 24 V AC / DC, connection thread M 30 x 1.5
Item no. 1012711
Aktor M ST L NC Motorized actuator, modulating with 0 - 10 V 24 V AC / DC, modulating proportional actuator, connection thread M 30 x 1.5
Item no. 1012717
Aktor M Electromotive actuator, modulating with 0 - 10 V modulating with 0 - 10 V, 24 V AC / DC, modulating proportional actuator, connection thread M 30 x 1.5
Item no. 1012725
Aktor M Motorized actuator, modulating with 0 - 10 V 24 V AC / DC, modulating proportional actuator with position feedback, connection thread M 30 x 1.5
Item no. 1012726
Aktor M Motorized actuator, on/off and floating control 230 V AC, connection thread M 30 x 1.5
Item no. 1012729
Aktor M Motorized actuator with KNX interface 21 - 32 V (from KNX bus), connection thread M 30 x 1.5
Item no. 1012746
Aktor T ST Thermal actuator, 0 - 10 V control 24 V AC, normally closed, connection thread M 30 x 1,5
Item no. 1012953
mote 320 Wireless actuator (proprietary radio communication) battery operated, connection thread M 30 x 1.5
Item no. 1150665


Dimensions of article

Length Width Height Weight
110 mm 33 mm 45 mm 0,25 kg

Packing units

Type Qty. Length Width Height Weight
Bag 1 111 mm 34 mm 46 mm 0,25 kg
Carton 25 295 mm 280 mm 115 mm 6,3 kg
Europallet 2000 1200 mm 800 mm 1100 mm 517 kg


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Valve sizing

Valve sizing



ETIM 7.0
Property Value
Model Tailpiece/Inner thread
Height 41.5 mm
Shape Right-angled
Surface protection Nickel-plated
Colour button White
Operation Thermostatic with button
Automatic flow control
With dust cap
With compression set
Suitable for single pipe system
Suitable for two pipe system
Size of radiator connection 3/8 inch (10)
Kv value 0.35 - 0.67
Shortened construction length
Reverse direction of flow
Size of thermostatic adjustment element M30 x 1.5
Can be preset
Housing material Brass
Kvs value 0.9
Thermostatically prepared
With bent tailpiece