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Regudis W-HTE Electronic dwelling stations

For the supply of individual dwellings or commercial units with heating water, as well as with hot and cold potable water. The required heat is provided by a central heat supply. Hot potable water is prepared decentrally via a plate heat exchanger according to the continuous flow principle. When selecting the dwelling station, it is necessary to consider the water quality of the area of use.

The stations consist of a plate heat exchanger, a control valve with integrated differential pressure and volume flow control, an actuator with integrated potable water temperature control, a zone valve, a volume flow sensor, a temperature sensor, a filter insert, meter spacers, vent valves and drain valves.

The range of functions of the Regudis W-HTE dwelling stations can also be extended in a modular way using extension modules. The Regudis W-HTE GT dwelling stations, on the other hand, are specially designed for the replacement of gas boilers thanks to their slim design and intersection-free connection configuration. The stations are characterized by high draw-off capacities at low excess temperatures and are optimised in terms of pressure loss.