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"Q-Tech": Automatic hydronic balancing "Q-Tech": Automatic hydronic balancing

Automatic hydronic balancing with "Q-Tech" for heating optimization

Conventional heating systems are equipped with thermostatic valves which are set by means of presetting on the basis of a pipework calculation (manual hydronic balancing). Precondition for this procedure is the knowledge about the pipework and the radiator flows.
However, the laying of the pipework is not known for many heating systems and a calculation of the system is hardly realizable.
The thermostatic valves with ”Q-Tech“ are available for these cases which regulate automatically and thus simplify the hydronic balancing (automatic hydronic balancing).
But also new installed systems with known pipework can easily and quickly be balanced hydronically by using the valves with “Q-Tech“.

Advantages of the automatic hydronic balancing for heating optimization:

  • Reduced calculation and planning costs
  • Lower installation costs
  • Cost saving through reduction of the balancing valves
  • Automatic adaptation to different operating conditions, also when consuming points / system parts are connected or disconnected
  • System extensions do not have a hydronic influence on the already balanced system parts 
  • During the building phase, the system can be put into operation in sections
  • High-efficiency pumps work efficiently in all operating conditions
  • Optimized calorific value for condensing boilers
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