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ErP Package ErP Package
Package label Package label
OVe.r.p. Software for label calculation "OVe.r.p."

ErP: Heating label

The ErP Directive (Energy related Products) for space heaters, combination heaters, water heaters and water storage tanks became mandatory on 26.09.2015. It describes the ecodesign and labelling requirements of energy efficient products.

Higher label classes can be accessed by selecting products and components with excellent technical characteristics (e.g. from A to A++). This allows the composition of individual packages consisting of the best components tailored to the specific building situation and the earmarked investment budget. 

Oventrop package components fulfill the high demands of the ErP Directive and distinguish themselves by excellent technical characteristics, such as storage cylinder insulation and collector efficiency. Standard connection points allow a simple and optimum integration into the system (in new buildings and during refurbishment).

With the ErP software solution "OV.e.r.p", Oventrop supports the calculation of the corresponding "system label". The software is compatible with that of other manufacturers and therefore allows an easy calculation of the package and generation of the label already at the offer stage. Moreover, system label calculations can already be carried out with the help of the Oventrop App. 

DOWNLOAD System label calculation

"OVe.r.p." - Windows software

Oventrop App - System label calculation and much more

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